The 2024 State of the Database Landscape Survey

For the second year, Redgate is hosting The State of the Database Landscape Survey. With participation from nearly 4,000 data professionals in 2023, the valuable information has been shared publicly for everyone to benefit. If you haven’t look at it already, spend some time looking over the results!

At least two things were clear based on the results from last year:

  1. Our database environments are getting more complex each year, with data professionals often being asked to support multiple database platforms.
  2. Developers and data professionals are constantly challenged to keep their skills up to effectively manage all the database platforms they are responsible for.

Do either of those things ring true for you? Or do you have a different experience in your job and workplace?

Please, Take a few minutes to share your thoughts!

2024 Survey Focus Themes

Based on the overarching findings from last year’s findings, the 2024 survey will focus on four key themes:

  • Learning and Career Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud
  • Security and Risk

There are still a number of questions about the topology of your database infrastructure and usage, but it’s clear that these areas are important to many organizations right now… as they should be! But often, there is an underfunded investment or teams simply lack the time to adequately master the skills needed to move projects forward in these areas. I mean, nobody wants to leak proprietary information to a public AI solution or become the next CrowdStrike headline. Right?

Even within the database development teams, the results from last year confirmed the increased velocity expectations of companies. Two years ago, only 20% of teams said they could deploy changes to production within a day or so if needed. Last year, that had already increased to 30% of respondents. Where does your team fall in the midst of that?

Sharing the Results

By taking a few minutes to answer the questions, you can help provide clarity on how our jobs as database professionals are changing and what skills will be needed in the future to successfully manage change. As in previous years, the results will be shared publicly in multiple formats so that you, too, can learn from others’ experience.

Whether you’re a developer, a DBA, or a CTO, your experience and perspective can help bring clarity to how our data landscapes are changing and maturing.

Oh, yeah… as an added bonus, you’ll have a chance to enter a drawing for one of two $250 Amazon gift vouchers for completing the survey!! 🎉🎉

The survey is open until September 30, and we anticipate the full results will be published in early 2025.

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