Changes to PGSQL Phriday Blogging Events

It’s been great to see the interest and participation of the monthly PGSQL Phriday blogging event grow over the last 15 months. And like any new venture, it takes time to see and understand the best way to organize it and what the best parameters are to encourage more participation from month to month. With … Read more

PGSQL Phriday #012 Contribution Summary

For the September 2023 edition of PGSQL Phriday I asked folks to write about what they were most excited about with PostgreSQL 16, possibly due to release within the next 10 days or so. Over the last few years as I’ve gotten more involved with the PostgreSQL community, the (essentially but not guaranteed) yearly release … Read more

The State of the Database Landscape Survey

In the world of technology, nothing ever seems to stay the same. I know that’s a somewhat trite comment at this point but “C’est la vie.” The database space is no different. Nearly every week some new development is announced. One day it’s a startup with a new approach to solving a tricky data-driven problem, … Read more